Law firms with conveyancing departments will be well aware that conveyancing processes can be very costly and time consuming. Tasks, such as undertaking Land Registry searches, property checks, and communicating with an estate agent can take up large amounts of time.

Property lawyers will also spend a large proportion of their time performing manual and administrative tasks. Manually trawling through mountains of paperwork and documents is becoming less and less viable for conveyancing businesses. Manually updating clients at key points within a case are also tasks which are time consuming, but are critical to the entire conveyancing process.

Conveyancing automation could be key in cutting down a large proportion of these time consuming tasks. The adoption of software that acts as robotic process automation (RPA) such as Proclaim Case Management Software is essential to maximising profit margins and improving customer service levels.


Proclaim for Conveyancing Automation of Tasks

Proclaim Case Management Software is the leading software used by Solicitors, including Conveyancing Solicitors. They offer a cloud based solution which is particularly useful for accessing important information on cases when working remotely.

The most beneficial feature of Proclaim is that it is extremely flexible and can be developed in many ways. Proclaim can be developed to allow for process automation, which can be particularly beneficial for Conveyancing Solicitors due to the amount of steps that are needed to be taken on each file. Conveyancing automation is possible for many manual tasks within the Conveyancing process using Proclaim Software, saving file handlers time and allowing them to focus on other, larger tasks at hand.

The system can also be developed to allow for automated client updates throughout the conveyancing process. This will improve customer satisfaction and save file handlers the time of having to manually update each client.

With the right setup, you can ensure that all key reports are scheduled to run automatically and to be disclosed to predefined contacts or locations at specified times. Thus ensuring you are never missing the information you need to make key business decisions.


How Can Legal Practice Support Assist?

Legal Practice Support can assist with your conveyancing automation by developing your Proclaim system. We can help your team to eliminate the tedious, administrative, robotic tasks that they may currently spend alot of their time performing. This means that they can spend more of their time focusing on the more complex issues and settle conveyancing matters more swiftly.

Legal Practice Support are specialists in Proclaim Development solutions and Legal IT. We offer optimisation of your Proclaim system through the development of the software to ensure you are making the most of your system. Development of your system will vastly improve the productivity and efficiency of file handlers and will deliver real financial returns to your firm.

If you would like to discuss how a Proclaim Developer from the LPS team could assist your law firm, please contact us for further information.

James Denby is Head of Proclaim Development at Legal Practice Support and oversees all projects to ensure work is completed to a high standard for all clients. As an experienced Proclaim Developer, James also maintains his own workload, consisting of complex development projects or high priority tasks. He can be contacted via e-mail at, or get in touch with us via our contact form, or by phone on 01204 930234